HVAC Installation and Maintenance

Summer Is Officially Over: Why You Need To Service Your Air Conditioning System

Now that summer is officially over, it's time to get your air conditioner ready for the off-season. If you're like most people, you might simply shut your air conditioner off, and ignore it until next summer. Unfortunately, that's not the best course of action to take, especially if you want to protect your air conditioner. If you haven't started getting your air conditioner ready for winter, read the list provided below. Here are some tips to help you get started. 

Clean Your AC Unit

Your air conditioner can collect a lot of dirt and grime during the summer, especially if you're in a region that experiences frequent wind storms. Unfortunately, all of the dirt can cause serious problems for your air conditioner. One of the best ways to protect your air conditioner from dirt-related damage is to schedule a service call before winter arrives. Your service technician will remove all of the dirt, grime and grease that could cause problems next summer. 

Take Care of Repairs

If you haven't had your air conditioner serviced in a while, or your system is getting up there in years, there could be some hidden issues that need to be addressed. Some of those could include minor problems such as damaged fan blades or coils or blocked condensation tubes. However, they could also include major issues such as broken condenser motors or damaged wires. A scheduled service call will identify those issues, which will allow your technician to take care of those repairs before next summer. 

Prepare for Reversal

If your air conditioner is equipped with a heat pump, it's time to prepare for reversal. If you're new to your heat pump, you might not realise that your system will cool your home during the summer, and will then heat your home during the winter. However, you will need to service the system before you start the reversal. Your HVAC contractor can provide you with that service. 

Avoid Winter Damage

If you won't be using your air conditioning system for heating this winter, now's the time to protect it from cold weather damage. Leaving your air conditioner exposed to winter weather can cause serious damage, which is why you should schedule a service call as soon as possible. Your HVAC technician will winterise your air conditioner, and then secure it with a protective cover. This service will ensure that your air conditioner survives the winter. 

For more information on air conditioning services, contact a company near you.
