HVAC Installation and Maintenance

Basic Types of Air Conditioning Repairs

An air conditioner has different moving parts, which means many things could go wrong. It is good to consult an HVAC expert before you start troubleshooting your AC if you do not want to make the problem worse. Here are some of the common types of air conditioning repairs you can expect from professional technicians.

Fan Problems

A refrigerator has two fans: the condenser fan and the blower. The blower, also called an evaporator fan, is on the inside and pushes cool air through your ductwork. The condenser fan removes heat from your HVAC system. Make sure you clean the condenser coils on the outside of your condenser fan regularly to avoid the accumulation of dirt. Sometimes your fan may develop issues with the motor, bent or loose blades, and belts. It would help if you had a technician fix such problems immediately to prevent further damages.

Sensor Problems

Air conditioners have a thermostat sensor that is behind the control panel. The sensor measures the temperature passing through the evaporator fan. If the sensor gets spoiled, the air conditioner will not cycle regularly and will act erratically. Make sure the sensor does not touch the coil. If adjusting the sensor's position does not solve the problem, consult a technician to replace the sensor.

Replacement of Capacitors

The motors that power the fans and compressors cannot work without capacitors. There is a start capacitor that sends a current to activate the motor and a run capacitor that sends current to keep the motor running. For the HVAC to function correctly, you need to replace faulty capacitors.

Proper Installation and Maintenance

In some cases, air conditioners fail because of improper installation and poor maintenance. When the refrigerant charge does not match the model specifications or you fail to clean the coils regularly, the HVAC will not work efficiently. Improper installation leads to low airflow, leaky ducts, and a series of many other problems. You need to hire a qualified technician to install your AC according to the right refrigerant charge and to occasionally clean all the accessories for proper airflow.

Summing It Up

An AC is an essential electrical component for regulating the quality of air in any given building. Petty issues such as failing ACs can be fixed by checking your circuit breakers and fuses. Also, regularly cleaning your coils will make your HVAC more efficient. However, there are serious problems like leaks, fan problems, sensory problems, and the replacement of capacitors that require the expertise of a skilled technician. A rule of thumb is to have an HVAC expert, troubleshoot, clean, and maintain your AC at least once a year to avoid costly repairs.
